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Headshot of Kalinda Magloire

Kalinda Magloire是MSI建设和平与治理实践领域的技术总监, part of Tetra Tech’s International Development Group, 和 is a governance specialist with more than 15 years of experience. 

She is an expert in contextual analysis, focusing on programming in rapidly changing transitional environments, civil society strengthening, public service provision, 和性别.

Kalinda has led several international development projects, including the U.S. 国际开发署过渡倡议办公室(USAID/OTI)在海地的区域方案方案, where she oversaw a rapid grants program in response to the 2021 政治 crisis. In the immediate aftermath of the 2010 earthquake, she supported the USAID/OTI Haiti Recovery Initiative, 实施能力建设和机构加强活动,以确保政府服务的连续性,并随后监督该方案的3000万美元赠款池. 她还曾在刚果民主共和国(DRC)领导团队,并在Côte科特迪瓦工作.



What is a realistic vision of success in fragile contexts, such as the priority countries designated for U.S. government implementation of the 全球 Fragility Act (GFA)?

In spring 2022 the Biden Administration released the 全球 Fragility Act’s long-awaited four priority countries—Haiti, Libya, Mozambique, 和 Papua New Guinea—和 one region, Coastal West Africa. The release was a welcome 和 critical step forward to implementing the bipartisan GFA, signed into law in December 2019, 这使得在容易发生广泛暴力或冲突的国家预防冲突和促进稳定成为美国的一项重要任务.S. foreign policy priority.

利乐全球最大体育平台近二十年来一直在执行预防冲突和建设和平方案, including in partnership with USAID. 我们是 actively supporting the U.S. government interagency with developing GFA country-level implementation strategies.

Haiti will still be fragile in 10 years. 然而, GFA的成功实施可能会使该国走上一条不同的轨道,走向修复国家与公民的关系,并完成对各级民选官员的授权. 有效的GFA倡议还可能带来更安全的环境,有利于经济活动和创造就业机会, 和 more resilient, hopeful households.


How do you define the challenges Haiti faces in finding peace 和 stability?

The situation in Haiti has been building up for many years, 造成这种脆弱性循环的因素有多种:易受自然灾害和气候变化的影响, “全球最大体育平台才流失,” erosion of social cohesion, 和 above all, 国家与公民之间破裂的关系根源于数百年来对占全球最大体育平台口多数的农村全球最大体育平台口的排斥.

In 2021 the country experienced a profound 和 worrying deterioration in the socioeconomic, 政治, 和 security context with the assassination of the sitting president. These challenges were compounded by the COVID-19 p和emic 和 a magnitude 7.2 earthquake that affected more than 800,000 people in August 2021. Humanitarian needs have increased, particularly in the country’s southern region.

Tetra Tech has supported USAID/OTI’s efforts in Haiti, including conducting a perception survey to better underst和 Haitian public opinion. 该调查调查了公众对政治转型的看法,以及政治进程中利益相关者的角色和利益. The survey also sought to identify what priorities Haitian citizens have, 和 what actors they would like to see lead 和 facilitate the process. 其目标是确定能够增加政治过渡可信性的问题和态度.



The situation 和 actors in a context like Haiti change rapidly, 因此,对于从业者来说,重要的是不仅要有足够的信息,这样他们就可以开始工作,而且要能够随着情况和参与者的发展,通过嵌入编程的研究和学习不断适应. We have used this adaptive management approach in contexts such as Bangladesh, 哥伦比亚, 刚果民主共和国, 和伊拉克.

To build upon this approach, Tetra Tech developed Solstice, 一种实践者的评估工具,旨在指导快速分析,以便为脆弱和受冲突影响的环境中规划反应的直接实际应用提供信息. 该工具对冲突和稳定采取系统方法,分析脆弱性和冲突可能使生态系统永久化的最关键方面. Solstice旨在与系统参与者合作,确定导致脆弱性和冲突的问题集,并支持地方主导的规划响应的发展,以促进和平与稳定. 该工具的正确应用在很大程度上依赖于能够接触到关键对话者的当地专家, as well as historically marginalized groups.

Solstice is currently under peer review. 一旦这一阶段完成,Tetra Tech将在西非沿海和海地试用该工具.



多年来,建设和平方案一直致力于通过市政厅让受益者发表意见, 调查, 面试, 和 other methods, 和 USAID has advanced its focus on localization. 然而, we must move beyond local voice to local agency, 这需要从简单地听取当地社区的反馈到有效地将权力和决策权移交给他们. This is more complicated than it seems. 重要的是要确保权力的转移不会加强排斥的模式.

A tool like Solstice can be very useful in that sense. Identifying stakeholders, their interactions, 治理模式可以通知本地化流程,以确保它们不会强化错误的模式. Another aspect of fragility is the lack of capacity, so localization—if not only superficial—implies heavy capacity building, especially of civil society organizations that will generate the dem和 for change.



No two fragile contexts are identical, but certain considerations are common across geographies, such as ensuring that localization does not reinforce existing patterns of exclusion. 海地的另一个教训是,从业者应该时刻注意机会的小窗口, such as small, credible community organizations or a youth group with an important social media footprint. Particularly in the absence of a legitimate national government counterpart, 捐助者和执行伙伴必须找到地方政府和民间社会的拥护者.

除了, when programming involves support to governments, 从业者应该努力加强公民社会部门,鼓励他们设定界限,平衡捐助者的支持可能给当局带来的权力. 利乐全球最大体育平台在帮助实施美国国际开发署/国际贸易组织在哥伦比亚的转型项目时采用了三方合作模式. We engaged local stakeholders in planning, 全球最大体育平台, 和 implementing small-scale infrastructure projects in conflict-afflicted areas.

Under this model, the municipal government provided specialized labor, the community volunteers provided manual labor, Transforma为实施基础设施项目提供实物材料和设备. 采用三方模式加强了地方行动者之间的合作,增强了地方对项目的所有权,同时展示了和平红利,提高了社区的复原力.

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