


布莱恩·斯特拉特, 利乐全球最大体育平台的国际固体废物主管, 吉娜·格林, 前利乐全球最大体育平台海洋和海岸管理专家, 讨论海洋垃圾如何阻碍经济发展, 扼杀了旅游, 破坏了生物多样性.

Bryan and Gina detail how effective management and inclusive solutions can benefit and stabilize coastal communities around the world. 这篇文章表达的所有观点都是作者自己的.

本文最初发表于 Devex.

在世界范围内,海洋垃圾的成本估计为1亿美元 每年130亿美元, mainly through its adverse effect on 渔业, tourism, and biodiversity. 仅在印度尼西亚, 联合国环境规划署 估计塑料污染会对旅游业产生不利影响, 渔业, 航运业降幅高达1美元.30亿年.

如果说我们在国际发展方面的工作教会了我们什么的话, 不管你住在哪里, 海洋垃圾就像一个漏水的水龙头. You can call a plumber and fix the problem, or you can keep cleaning up after it forever. 说到海洋塑料, we need to fix the source of the issue by dealing with the waste before it reaches the sea.

To do so requires a solid waste management plan that allows tourism and economic development to flourish, 而不是打开新的浪费水龙头.

Despite international commitments to reduce waste at the Our Oceans Conference in November 2018, 还有许多工作要做. Solvents, fertilizers, toxic sludge, and other wastes entering coastal ecosystems have 产生了400多个海洋死亡区, 尺寸大于245,2000平方公里,500平方英里), 面积加起来比英国大. That is the equivalent of one garbage truck full of debris being dumped into the ocean every minute. 在数百种海洋物种中发现了塑料颗粒, 包括供全球最大体育平台类食用的鱼类和贝类.

Our work to improve the management of 渔业 and marine resources allows us to see the scope of the problem firsthand. When we walk along the beaches in 巴厘岛 or take the ferries from fishing ports, 海滩和海湾到处都是垃圾和碎片.


Tetra技术 业务遍及东南亚, 非洲, and the Caribbean to support the development and management of marine biodiversity and sustainable 渔业 through projects funded by the U.S. 国际开发署(USAID). Our work takes us to places where it is critical to prevent pollution and marine debris from impacting the local communities. 在我们的 固体废物处理组, 我们研究了海洋垃圾的问题,很快就做出了决定, 重点行动对于减轻不利的经济影响至关重要.

此外, marine waste is most prevalent in developing countries where money hasn’t traditionally been devoted to solid waste management. Tetra技术 is committed to attacking this problem in developing countries, 在全球利益相关者的支持下.


Our work across Southeast Asia to strengthen regional cooperation to combat illegal fishing and promote sustainable 渔业 has taught us that behaviors can only change when all actors are at the table. Although women are an essential component of Southeast Asia’s 渔业 workforce, 他们经常被排除在决策过程之外.

与美国国际开发署合作 海洋与渔业伙伴关系, we developed guidelines on how to incorporate gender issues in all aspects of the seafood supply chain. Many of these same lessons apply to our work to reduce marine waste as many waste pickers and sorters are women.

For this reason, during a discussion to reduce plastic waste held by 东南亚国家联盟 和美国.S. 国务院, we recommended they convene a series of solid waste workshops throughout Southeast Asia to bring together stakeholders at every level.

These workshops would ensure that solid waste management is addressed at the national, 省, and municipal levels through a mix of public and private sector funding sources. These workshops would introduce the planning process and act as a forum to discuss current problems and potential solutions and identify pilot areas.

One potential location for these workshops is 巴厘岛, where tourism has grown from 3.2005年的游客全球最大体育平台数达到了预期的500万 18.200万年 by 2020. 巴厘岛 产生3800吨固体废物 每天,只有60%的垃圾最终被填埋. To succeed in 巴厘岛, we will need to include representatives from all stakeholders.


而旅游业是经济增长的重要引擎, 比如巴厘岛, the use of plastics and other waste materials is outpacing local capacities for waste management. 因此, effective management of solid waste is essential in our efforts to protect public health and environmental stewardship. 综合固体废物系统应包括收集, 材料回收, 处理, 和处置. The plan should include methods for stimulating the economy by evaluating the recycled materials for sale, 重用, 甚至可能转化为能量.

在印尼, we worked with communities in several marine protected areas on the USAID Sustainable Ecosystems Advanced Project developing marine tourism guides that included 最佳实践 for reducing waste and keeping beaches clean. 在全球范围内,我们正在与 联合国环境规划署 to develop a comprehensive solid waste management guide that documents international waste management concepts, 最佳实践, 和技术. 该指南旨在帮助当地政府领导, 工全球最大体育平台, and organizations in low- and middle-income countries with waste management principles.

一旦我们看到东南亚可以取得什么成就, we will use this approach as a guide to fix the faucet of plastic waste once and for all. 通过打造包容性, 整体解决方案, 我们可以阻止海洋垃圾的流动, 使发展中国家的其他沿海国家受益.


南太平洋的天尼安岛只有3只,500个居民,但只有2个,623 tons of mixed debris per year—much of which was finding its way into the ocean. 从历史上看, 天宁的固体废物被放置在一个未经许可的垃圾场, 哪个是露天焚烧垃圾场.

与北马里亚纳群岛合作, Tetra技术 全球最大体育平台ed a new landfill for the island that complies with international standards. Given the high volume of rainfall that Tinian receives—approximately 81 inches per year—leachate water, 是什么通过固体废物渗透, 地表水管理是关键的全球最大体育平台考虑因素. A leachate treatment system consisting of constructed wetlands was 全球最大体育平台ed to receive an estimated 32,470 gallons per day and help stop the flow of debris into 太平洋 when the landfill is constructed.




布莱恩·斯特拉特 is head of Tetra技术’s Marine Debris Prevention practice, 也是该公司固体废物计划的高级经理.

He has more than 40 years of experience in solid waste facility and system planning, 全球最大体育平台, 和操作. A respected authority on innovative solid waste system operational strategies, he has been principal engineer on projects at more than 250 solid waste facilities in North America, 太平洋, 和中美洲.
